Sharing anonymous value fixture
Within a particular instance of AnonymousValueFixture
, which is created for every builder, any generators that return a sequence of values (e.g. unique values) will be maintained. If you want to ensure that the same anonymous value fixture is used across multiple related builders then:
- Using
will automatically propagate the anonymous value fixture across builders - Call the
GetChildBuilder<TChildObject, TChildBuilder>(Func<TChildBuilder, TChildBuilder> modifier = null)
method from within your custom builder, e.g.:
public MyCustomBuilder WithSomeValue(Func<SomeBuilder, SomeBuilder> modifier = null)
return Set(x => x.SomeValue, GetChildBuilder<SomeObject, SomeBuilder>(modifier));
- If using
then call theSetUsingBuilder
method, e.g.:
// Uses Builder<T>
.SetUsingBuilder(x => x.Address)
// Uses Builder<T>, includes customisation
.SetUsingBuilder(x => x.Address, b => b.Set(y => y.Street, "A street"))
// Uses AddressBuilder
.SetUsingBuilder<AddressViewModel, AddressViewModelBuilder>(x => x.Address)
// Uses AddressBuilder, includes customisation
.SetUsingBuilder<AddressViewModel, AddressViewModelBuilder>(x => x.Address, b => b.Set(y => y.Street, "A street"))
- If you want to use the anonymous value fixture to generate a value for a specific test then you can use the Set method overload with a lambda expression, e.g.:
var student = Builder<StudentViewModel>.CreateNew()
.Set(x => x.FirstName, any => any.FirstName())
There is currently no way to share an anonymous value fixture across unrelated builder instances. If this is something you need please raise an issue so we can discuss your requirement.
Updated less than a minute ago